Forklift Operations
(8 Hour)
Our objective in this course is to prevent injury and reduce or eliminate property damage through accidents involving forklifts. The course will go over the proper handling and safety of forklift operations. Each student will take a "mandatory" written and practical test.
Fire Training
(variable hours)
This course offers complete fire training. This training will include the proper use of a fire extinguisher to complete training for a fire brigade. The courses are State Certified and follow the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 1001 Fire essentials.

Respiratory Protection (4 hour)
This course provides training in Air Purifying Respirators, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, and Umbilical Air. You will learn proper use, care and maintenance of each unit. Fit testing also available.

Respirator Training / Fit Test
Students will be trained in the proper use of respirators and their limitations. ALL those who use respirator equipment will be educated and trained in the selection, use, maintenance, and proper care of such equipment. Each student will be respirator fit tested to assure proper face seal.

Back Power
(4 hour)
In this course you will learn proper lifting techniques and strengthening exercises. The program will provide you with a daily exercise routine for your wellness and prevention of back injuries on or off the job.
Earthquake Preparedness
(8 Hour)
A 30 hour course that places emphasis on the safety of the rescuer and rescue team while saving victim(s) from natural high angle areas. Participants will progress from basic low angle to high angle lowering and raising systems. Course includes equipment management, rescue knots, natural and artificial anchoring, basic climbing and descending techniques, mechanical advantage systems, and litter rigging. Graduates will receive a detailed skill sheet, Certificate of Completion and a comprehensive course manual.